Frequently asked questions

Yes, as you hold a work contract, you can't participate in the operation.

No. Because trainees do not hold a work contract, they are not eligible for the operation.

Yes, you can participate in the operation provided that you have worked continuously or intermittently for the Group for at least three months between 1 January 2023 and the end of the participation period, which is scheduled for 2 October 2024.

Following on the success of the “Renaulution Shareplan 2022 and 2023” operation, Renault Group is continuing its commitment to employee shareholding by launching this new plan. Renault Group wants to involve all employees in this major growth and innovation project by again offering them the opportunity to participate in its employee shareplan, “Renaulution Shareplan”, set up as part of the FCPE.

The share’s reference price and acquisition price will be announced starting from 3 September 2024. The reference price corresponds to the average daily price of the share, weighted by the trading volumes on the 20 trading days preceding the date the Chief Executive Officer of Renault SA sets the reference price. The acquisition price is the reference price reduced by 30%.

You will hold Renault SA shares indirectly through the “Renault International” FCPE. You subscribe for and hold units in the FCPE, which itself will hold Renault SA shares.

Yes. You will be able to directly exercise the voting rights relating to the number of whole Renault shares that you hold through the “Renault International” FCPE. The Supervisory Board of the “Renault International” FCPE’s “Share Original” sub-fund will only exercise the voting rights relating to fractional shares.

The shares being offered to employees in this operation are shares bought back by Renault on the market and held by the Group. No new shares are being issued for the operation. Consequently, the Group’s capital is not being diluted and the operation ultimately increases the percentage of shares held by employees.

No, as you do not have an employment contract with one of the Renault Group entities but with the temporary employment company.

To find out what tax you are liable to pay on your investment, as well as your reporting obligations, please refer to the tax notice that you can download from the website’s Documentation section.

The contributions and the discount may incur social security and/or tax charges applied in your country. Where applicable, these will be deducted from your pay. For more information on the tax and social security implications of your participation in the plan and any reporting requirements, please refer to the “Country Supplement” available in the Documentation section of the website.

Any dividends are reinvested in the “Renault International” FCPE’s “Share Original” sub-fund and, depending on your country of residence, may be subject to income tax and social security charges. For more information, please refer to the tax notice, which can be downloaded from the website’s Documentation section.

No. You still keep your Renault SA shares through the “Renault International” FCPE. Leaving the Group is an early release event allowing your assets to be released before the end of the lock-in period.

An FCPE is a corporate mutual fund (Undertaking for Collective Investment, or UCI) holding securities. It is reserved for employees of a company or group of companies and is a vehicle for receiving their employee savings.

Only the amount of your investment after the reduction rule has been applied, if applicable, is taken into account.

The objective of the reduction rule is to pay the unilateral contribution offered to all eligible employees first, followed by the additional contribution paid in respect of the first three shares acquired.
In practice, an initial check will be performed to ensure that the unilateral contribution has been paid. If the unilateral contribution exceeds the cap, this contribution will be reduced by dividing the total number of shares available by the number of employees receiving the unilateral contribution, and the employees’ participation in the share acquisition offer will be cancelled. If it is below the cap, the unilateral contribution will be paid in full.
A second check will then be made to ensure that the share acquisition offer’s cap is not exceeded after the shares required for the unilateral contribution have been deducted. If the cap is exceeded, all share acquisition applications will then be reduced on an average basis. An average investment amount will be calculated based on the number of share acquisition offer applicants. All acquisition applications for less than this average amount will be honoured. Any applications above this average amount will be reduced proportionally to the amount still to be distributed.

No, if the share value falls, you may make a capital loss on all the assets you hold. In the brochure, you will find examples calculated based on different assumptions regarding rises or falls in the Renault SA share value. We also invite you to consult the tax notice, which informs you of the tax and social security implications of your participation in the plan as well as your reporting obligations.

As soon as the offer’s participation period is closed, all investments in the “Renault International” fund are locked in and no additional shares can be bought.

As soon as the offer is completed, the new shares will be created and visible in your BNP Paribas ERE private space at the end of December 2024. A printed or electronic statement will be sent from December 2024 (after the “Renaulution International Relais 2024” fund is merged into the “Share Original” fund).

These dividends are automatically reinvested in the “Renault International” FCPE’s “Share Original” sub-fund, increasing the number of shares you hold. For details of the tax treatment of these dividends, please refer to the tax notice in documentation section.

You alone must check that you meet the limit by estimating your total pay (basic salary and bonuses) that you will receive up to 31 December 2024.

Any dividends paid are decided each year at Renault SA’s General Meeting of Shareholders. Past dividend payments are not an indication of future payments.

You will be able to release this investment from 1 July 2029 onwards, as provided for in the PEG rules, except in early release situations.

You must submit your release request to your local HR correspondent within six months of the date of the event (except in the event of termination or breach of the employment contract, death, disability, domestic violence or over-indebtedness, in which case this request may be made at any time).
Your HR correspondent will be responsible for checking your supporting documents and validating your request.
A few days after your HR correspondent sends your complete file to the bank on your behalf, you will receive a one-off payment that, depending on your request, will relate to all or part of your rights that can be released. Please note that your bank may charge a fee for making this payment (especially if your local currency is not the euro).

You subscribe for FCPE units under the Group Savings Plan (PEG). As you can do today if you participated in previous shareholder offers (including via a unilateral contribution), you can log into your BNP Paribas ERE private space:

The shares acquired via the FCPE in the plan are delivered to your personal account opened with BNP Paribas ERE (“Epargne & Retraite Entreprises”: company savings & retirement). These shares will be visible in the form of a number of units in the FCPE, starting from when they are delivered in the FCPE scheduled for December 4, 2024. Your BNP Paribas ERE private area:

You can request the early release of your assets at any time via your HR correspondent or keep your assets in the “Renault International” FCPE.

If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can participate in the plan if it is implemented in your host country and in accordance with the rules applicable in that country. Your investment is therefore made in the local currency and at the exchange rate set for the operation. You will be subject to the tax and reporting obligations applicable in your country of residence for income tax and social charges purposes. We invite you to consult the tax notice that can be downloaded from the website’s Documentation section.

If your payments exceed €15,000, you must provide BNP Paribas ERE with:
- The BNP Paribas ERE certificate (declaration of the origin of funds directly downloadable from the subscription site), duly completed, dated and signed
- A valid proof of identity bearing a photograph

If they are greater than €60,000, you must provide:
- The elements mentioned above.
- Proof of the origin of the funds (tax notice, pay slip, real estate sale, inheritance, gambling winnings, etc.)
All elements must be sent directly to BNP Paribas ERE at the following email address: Please note that BNP Paribas ERE may, if necessary, ask you for other supporting documents.
All documents must be provided to BNP Paribas ERE before the close of the subscription period, i.e. before October 2, 2024, and at the latest 2 days later, i.e. before October 4, 2024. Failing this, your participation will be completely canceled.

If your voluntary payments financed by a personal contribution made in the“Renaulution Shareplan 2024” offer exceed €15,000, you must provide supporting documents to BNP Paribas ERE, in accordance with the applicable anti-money laundering regulations.

No; the reference price and acquisition price of the shares in the Renaulution Shareplan operation will be announced starting from 3 September 2024. They will remain the same throughout the subscription period. If your currency is not the euro, the applicable exchange rate is set at the same time as the subscription price, enabling you to have a fixed price in your local currency throughout the subscription period. At the same time, the share’s market price will continue to change over the same period.

You can fill in and send a printed form. In this case, you must contact your HR correspondent who will send it to you. You must fill in this form and return it, signed to your HR correspondent, who will enter your subscription on the website.
Please note: if you have participated in the operation via the Internet and sent a printed form to your HR correspondent, the version you entered online will take precedence if the two differ.

The subscription tool is web responsive, so you can participate in the operation from a smartphone.

Yes, please refer to the website’s “Your participation” page for further details.

Yes, you can change your participation at any time during the offer’s participation period by returning to the website’s “I subscribe” section no later than 2 October 2024, 23:59 (CET). After this date, your participation is final and you cannot change it.

The payment terms depend on your employer and the country in which you work. When you log in to the subscription website (by clicking the “I subscribe” link on the website), the payment method(s) available for your payment are shown.

Your participation must be at least €15.

Yes; if you are an employee, your investment in the share ownership operation is capped at 25% of your estimated gross annual pay for 2024, including your fixed and variable pay. You are responsible for checking that this cap is respected.

  • Click “I subscribe” on

  • Click the "Request a password” button

  • Enter your email address to obtain a temporary personal link enabling you to create an account. Choose your final password

  • Follow the steps indicated

  • Choose the payment method(s)

If you have any technical questions related to the subscription website, you can contact the BNP Paribas ERE teams at where you can write in your own language.

You will receive an email from BNP Paribas ERE when the subscription website opens. The business or personal email address on which you receive this email will serve as your username for the subscription website.
You must create your own password in accordance with the procedure indicated on the subscription website.
If you are an employee and BNP Paribas ERE does not know your email address, please use the username and password that your employer sent you.

All employees and corporate officers of Renault Group and consolidated companies employing up to 249 employees, who have worked continuously or intermittently for Renault Group and its subsidiaries for more than three months between 1 January 2023 and 2 October 2024 and have a work contract that will be valid on that date and who subscribe to a Group Savings consolidated Plan (PEG) of Renault Group, DIAC or Renault Retail Group. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact your HR correspondent.

Your participation in the operation is final and binding on you. In case of non-payment, your participation may be cancelled, in full or in part. If your participation could not be cancelled before the operation was executed, a recovery procedure will be put in place with Renault and/or your employer in accordance with the terms and conditions of the operation.

If you tick the “Receive a confirmation by email” option box when you subscribe, you will receive an email summarising your participation. Otherwise, you will be able to view and download the details of your participation at any time by logging into the subscription website.
You can change your participation until October 2, 2024, 23:59 (CET). Your last participation request will be taken into account. After this date, your participation is final and you cannot change it. We invite you to consult all the documentation, including the tax notice and the terms and conditions, before you confirm your participation.

This seniority is calculated between 1 January 2023 and the last day of the offer’s participation period, i.e. 2 October 2024, whether or not the work contracts are consecutive. Employees on fixed-term or permanent contracts are eligible to participate in the operation if they meet the seniority requirement.

You must acquire 3 shares to receive the employer’s maximum contribution equivalent to the value of 7 shares (300% employer’s contribution for the first 2 shares acquired and 100% employer’s contribution for the 3rd share acquired).

You can refuse the shares offered under the operation by logging into the subscription website and clicking the “I refuse the unilateral contribution offered by my company” box to select the option.

The 7 free shares are automatically offered to employees eligible for the 2024 plan, so you do not have to take any action in order to receive them.
The shares will be paid to you at the end of the operation, in the form of a unilateral contribution in the FCPE context. The details will be available in your BNP Paribas ERE private space.

Unless your work contract is breached, your assets are locked in until 30 June 2029 (inclusive).

These shares are listed on Euronext Paris.

Yes, anyone can invest on the stock market: savers, investors, companies, States, etc. Nevertheless, savers must accept that they are taking a significant risk and have a sufficiently long investment horizon, meaning that the funds are unavailable throughout that time. Investing on the stock market does not offer any capital guarantee. You are recommended not to put all your savings on the stock market.

Many factors can have a positive or negative impact on share prices. These include the following:

  • the financial results of the company issuing the shares,

  • upward or downward revisions of the company’s profit forecasts,

  • the acquisition of a competing or complementary company by the company,

  • the sale of assets, the postponement or cancellation of a project or the winning or loss of a big contract,

  • a capital increase,

  • changes in commodity and/or currency prices,

  • the announcing of important information on the company’s life in the general, economic or financial press or in its business sector,

  • the prospect of the company being bought,

  • the purchase or sale of a significant number of shares by a family or institutional shareholder (financial or other partner of the company),

  • the general market trend,

  • etc.

The stock market is suitable for investors with a long-term management horizon.
In the short term (a few months or years), share values fluctuate greatly, meaning that there is a high risk of making financial losses.
In the longer term (at least 10 years), an attractive return is more likely provided that the economic and financial environment is favourable, i.e. the profits of listed companies continue to grow.
By investing on the stock market, savers hope to obtain a higher return than risk-free investments such as savings accounts or life insurance with guaranteed capital.

By definition, investing in a stock market carries risks such as the following:

  • the risk of a company going bankrupt,

  • volatility risk due to fluctuating share prices,

  • capital loss risk due to the share being sold at a lower price than its purchase price,

  • interest rate risk due to interest rate changes on fixed-rate assets (e.g. bonds),

  • currency risk due to the performance of an asset being affected by exchange rate fluctuations,

  • commodity risk due to gross product purchase price volatility.

The stock market is a market in which businesses issue securities (shares and bonds) and meet investors who buy and sell their securities. The system is based, among other things, on the law of supply and demand for securities. A share is valued based on the company’s health, including the forecast of its future results observed by financial analysts.

The stock market is a way for companies to raise capital, enabling them to invest and so develop. The shares are acquired by institutional investors (investment funds, banks, governments, etc.) or individuals.
Investments offered by banks, insurers or other wealth managers are indirectly invested in the stock market due to the nature of the investments.