
Portion of the Group’s net profits that is distributed to shareholders by decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Financial contribution paid by your employer, supplementing your personal contribution.

A corporate mutual fund (Undertaking for Collective Investment, or UCI) enabling a company’s employees to form a collective portfolio of transferable securities. Its assets are jointly owned and divided into units or fractions of units. It is managed by a management company on behalf of, and solely in the interests of, the unitholders. The FCPE’s regulations require French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) approval. A Supervisory Board composed of elected/chosen employee unitholders and representatives of the Management oversees the management of the FCPE in the interests of the unitholders.

A FCPE Relais is a mutual fund created for the operation and which is intended to merge with the FCPE in shares. Your participation is invested in the FCPE "Renaulution International Relais 2024" and this will merge with the "Share Original" compartment of the FCPE "Renault International" at the end of the participation period in the operation.

Gain or loss resulting from the sale of a security. The difference between this security’s sale price and its purchase price constitutes a gain or loss depending on whether the sale price is greater or less than the purchase price. As the “Renaulution Shareplan 2024” transaction is mainly based on Renault SA shares, participants in the offer are advised to diversify their savings. The decision to participate in “Renaulution Shareplan 2024” is entirely your own. As with any stock market share, past performance is not an indication of future performance. The Renault Group periodically publishes information documents, including financial reports, on its website ( We invite you to read these documents, which contain important information including the company’s business, its strategy and objectives, the risk factors inherent in the company and its business, and its financial results.

A Group Savings Plan (PEG) is a collective savings scheme that allows each employee, within the framework of his company, to build up a portfolio of securities.

The investment includes both your participation, which you finance, and the contributions that the Group offers you in addition to your indirect acquisition of Renault SA shares.

Your participation in the offer, financed by you.

A title deed representing a fraction of a company’s share capital. If we group together all the shares issued by a company, this forms its share capital. The Renault SA shares proposed in this offer are ordinary shares listed on Euronext Paris (Compartment A), providing the same rights as other ordinary shares. By becoming a shareholder, you can exercise the voting rights corresponding to your shares at the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Payment made by your employer without any financial contribution from you.

Each FCPE unit corresponds to the same fraction of the FCPE assets. The employees and corporate officers who invest in a FCPE hold units in it and are called “unitholders”. Each unitholder has a right of co-ownership to the assets of the fund in proportion to the number of units he or she holds.