The offer in detail

All employees* who have worked continuously or intermittently for Renault Group and its subsidiaries for at least three months between January 1, 2023 and October 2, 2024, whose employment contract will be valid at October 2, 2024 and who subscribe to a Group Savings Plan (PEG) of Renault Group and DIAC (Mobilize Financial Services) can participate in the offer.

*Including the corporate officers of companies with up to 249 employees.

How does the offer work?

The Renaulution Shareplan 2024 offer consists of two schemes:

1Unilateral contribution

Renault Group will pay you a gross amount equivalent to 7 Renault SA shares in the form of a unilateral contribution, without any financial contribution by you. This contribution will be paid directly into the “Renaulution International Relais 2024” FCPE and invested in Renault SA shares. Consequently, you will become an indirect Renault SA shareholder.

The Group is offering you this unilateral contribution regardless of whether or not you personally invest in the “Renaulution Shareplan 2024” offer.

As this matching contribution is subject to tax, you will receive a net amount equivalent to 4.9 shares. The amount of tax has been estimated on an average rate of 30%. For more information, please refer to the “Country Supplement” accessible in the documentation section.
If this rate is not sufficient to cover any tax or social charges due, the remaining balance may be deducted directly from your salary.

This contribution may incur social security and/or tax charges that will, where applicable, be deducted from your salary. You can choose to refuse the unilateral contribution during the offer period by logging directly into the subscription platform, clicking on “I subscribe”.

2Acquisition offer

If you wish, you can also purchase Renault SA shares through the “Renaulution International Relais 2024” FCPE, by participating in the share acquisition offer. Your investment is capped at 25% of your estimated 2024 gross annual pay.

You will then hold a number of units in the “Renaulution International Relais 2024” FCPE proportional to your investment, and so you will become an indirect Renault SA shareholder.

As a Renault Group employee, you benefit from advantageous conditions for your acquisition: a 30% discount on the reference price of the shares and an additional contribution capped at a gross amount equivalent to 7 Renault SA shares completing your investment.

The additional contribution is calculated as follows:
– 300% of the amount of your investment up to a gross amount corresponding to the value of 6 shares (6 shares offered on the first 2 shares purchased)
– Beyond that, 100% of the amount of your investment up to a gross amount corresponding to the value of 1 share (1 additional share offered on the third share purchased).

  • The reference price corresponds to the average daily price, weighted by the trading volumes*, on the 20 trading days before the reference price determination.
    * Trading volumes: the number of shares traded on the market on the day.
  • The calculation of the ceiling of 25% of your estimated gross annual remuneration for 2024 will relate to the sums resulting from your personal investment1 in the “Renaulution Shareplan 2024” offer in Renault SA shares, or any other investment in your PEG.


You receive the maximum authorised discount of 30% off the reference share price, and thereby a preferential acquisition price.

This discount off the reference share price enables you to increase your potential gains and mitigate any losses resulting from changes in the Renault SA share price over time.

Contribution supplementing your acquisition

If you choose to invest, Renault Group supplements your personal contribution with a maximum contribution of 300%, capped at a gross amount equivalent to 7 shares:

  • 300% of the amount of your investment up to a gross amount corresponding to the value of 6 shares
  • Beyond that, 100% of the amount of your investment within the limit of a gross amount corresponding to the value of 1 share

Example Investment (excluding applicable tax/social security charges)

Gross unilateral contributionNumber of shares acquired2 (your personal contribution)Gross contribution supplementing your contributionTotal gross number of shares
Example 171311
Example 272615
Example 373717
Example 4710724
Example 5712726
Example 6730744

A simulator is available for your use on this website, Simulate.

As this matching contribution is subject to tax, you will receive a net amount equivalent to 4,9 shares. The amount of tax has been estimated on an average rate of 30%. For more information, please refer to the “Country Supplement” accessible in the documentation section.
If this rate is not sufficient to cover any tax or social charges due, the remaining balance may be deducted directly from your salary.

Plan schedule
From September 3, 2024

Acquisition price is announced

September 18 to October 2, 2024 inclusive

Period of participation in the “Renaulution Shareplan 2024” offer for the indirect acquisition of Renault SA shares via the FCPE

December 4, 2024

Delivery in the FCPE Relais of Renault shares corresponding to the unilateral matching contribution and, in the event of investment in the offer, to the personal contribution of the employee and the additional matching contribution

December 2024

Merger of the “Renaulution International Relais 2024” fund within the “Share Original” compartment of the “Renault International” FCPE